And yet...
Your clients would have even more amazing results and you would finally have the freedom you desire in your business.
- Laura Wieck
Most of us aren’t taught how to have healthy, productive, ethical conversations that support the client while keeping you within your scope of practice.
Then we've got something special for you.
Complete our application (zero obligation to enroll) and get instant access to free resources including the curriculum guide and free training with 1.5 NCBTMB continuing education credits!
Plus, you can finally understand how to take the heart of your in-person work and leverage it online for greater impact and freedom in your business.
It's time for a better way to work.
Why the conversation is the most overlooked and undervalued part of the session and why it is the key to unlocking the hidden income in your business NOW
What you need to effectively and ethically coach your clients while staying in your scope of practice
The 'Magic Question' that will create raving fans that refer you to everyone
How getting paid for the extra time you're spending with clients is key to improving client results and transitioning your service-based work online
How to create consistency in your schedule and income without booking yourself solid or charging less than you are worth!
clients listening to their bodies and taking aligned action in their lives
Freeing up time on your schedule while creating a greater impact & Income
Being able to leverage your hands-on/in-person work into online and virtual services
clients listening to their bodies and taking aligned action in their lives
Freeing up time on your schedule while creating a greater impact & Income
Being able to leverage your hands-on/in-person work into online and virtual services
No worries, we got you.
Fill out this this quick (no obligation) application so we can get to know you...
When you apply, we will send you all of the information about BodyMind Coaching, our free Masterclass with bonus 1.5 CE Credits (NCBTMB approved!) and review your submission to see if you are a candidate that will find success with The BodyMind Coaching Program.
If we notice that you are a good candidate, we're going to give you a bonus call with one of our BodyMind Coaches so you can experience this process for yourself and also see what's possible for you and your business!
In this powerful training, you'll learn an effective, ethical, and embodied coaching structure that will support your existing services while improving client results. If you're ready to work smarter, not harder, this training is for you!
Get all of the details about our 60 hour ICF Coach training designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing holistic business- including an in depth training on our coaching process:
The 3-Brain Coaching Model:
An Embodied Approach To Creating Transformational Results That Last
When your application is approved, we will invite you to experience a call with a BodyMind Coach so you can feel the process for yourself and also gain an understanding of what BodyMind Coaching can look like in your business!
In this powerful training, you'll learn an effective, ethical, and embodied coaching structure that will support your existing services while improving client results. If you're ready to work smarter, not harder, this training is for you!
Get all of the details about our 60 hour ICF Coach training designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing holistic business- including an in depth training on our coaching process:
The 3-Brain Coaching Model:
An Embodied Approach To Creating Transformational Results That Last
When your application is approved, we will invite you to experience a call with a BodyMind Coach so you can feel the process for yourself and also gain an understanding of what BodyMind Coaching can look like in your business!
Laura Wieck is a 7 Figure Coach, Author of The BodyMind Method, and Founder of The BodyMind Coaching Program.
Over the past decade, Laura has been helping heart-centered business owners unlock unlimited earning potential, achieve true time freedom and create a life they’re truly excited about.
In this life-changing masterclass, Laura will guide you through the steps to introduce a powerful conversation structure into your wellness services that will help your clients have better results while allowing you to work smarter, not harder.
This essential masterclass has helped hundreds of coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners around the world, and now it can help you, too!
Laura Wieck is a 7 Figure Coach, Author of The BodyMind Method, and Founder of The BodyMind Coaching Program.
Over the past decade, Laura has been helping heart-centered business owners unlock unlimited earning potential, achieve true time freedom and create a life they’re truly excited about.
In this life-changing training, Laura will guide you through the steps to introduce a powerful conversation structure into your wellness services that will help your clients have better results while allowing you to work smarter, not harder.
This essential training session has helped hundreds of coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners around the world, and now it can help you, too!
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Prior to working with Laura, I had taken multiple coaching programs for years trying to build a passive income stream that would allow me more location independence outside of my high-end spa job.
t wasn’t until I worked with Laura that my big dreams started to actually become real. She has a brilliant way to help you see your aligned way forward and how simple it gets to be. Thanks to her leadership, I now have a successful online coaching business that supports my love of travel… My home base is now in Ireland and I just got back from spending a year on the road!
As an RMT for 16 years, I had a full practice yet was living paycheck to paycheck before working with Laura. I was exhausted, suffering from adrenal burnout and had totally lost passion in my work. I knew that, in order to serve at my highest level- I had to learn how to put myself first.
Working with Laura helped me restructure how I was showing up in business so I could receive fully for my brilliance and how I naturally work with my clients. Now, I have a schedule that supports me first, allows me time to work on my passion projects, and I even take regular lunch breaks- which I had never done in my entire career! (And yes, I learned to celebrate ALL the wins- no matter how big or small!)
As soon as that shift happened I had the opportunity to expand my business. Currently I make my own schedule and this is the first time in my life that I do not work weekends. Incorporating programs with BodyMind coaching allows me to see fewer clients each day and bring in more revenue while serving my clients at a much deeper level.
Christine Tauer
RMT/BodyMind Coach and Founder of The Healthy & Happy Place
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As a military spouse with little control over where my family and I would wind up next, Laura’s heart-centered leadership helped me build a location independent business that no longer limits me to simply serving clients hands-on in one geographical location. Instead, I get to travel the country, lead retreats and speak at events. I’ve combined my business, massage therapy, yoga and meditation skills and fused them all together to create customized experiences for my clients.
With this new way of working, I’ve more than doubled my income and at the same time, I work way less than ever before. In fact, I’ve freed up twenty hours each week to work on personal projects and be present with my family. And you know what else? It’s magical for my kids to get to experience this journey too -- to see their Daddy going after his goals and empowering other people to do the same.
I hit a point where I lost passion in my work as a full-time university English professor and also in my small, private massage practice.
Laura and her programs helped me connect to my alignment so that I could find my passion again, combine ALL my gifts and grow a coaching business that, not only do I love, allowed me to double my income and leave my full time job!
Working with Laura helped me see that the key to success is about navigating your business in a way that feels good at it’s core- fully supports our clients AND allows us to get paid our worth. I now have a business that is designed to support my life as a new mom.
Araina Linton
RMT/BodyMind Coach and Founder of The Healthy & Happy Place
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I first found Laura when I was in the midst of serious burnout in my business… Not only was I a busy massage therapist, I had a full team of employees and a business to run. Although I didn’t know what it could look like, I knew that I wanted something different, something more.
Working with Laura helped me see how I was more than what I was doing. She was my stepping stone into creating an aligned business and life.
Now, I do a lot less and make a lot more. My days revolve around creativity with rest and self-care as my main business actions. I have more income streams other than just my massage business… I wrote a book, created online coaching courses and have a successful monthly subscription box service.
I was spread thin and crazy busy in my booked solid Massage & Skincare private practice.
I started working with Laura because I wanted to shift into the next BIG THING that not only supported my dreams of having a fully happy and free life, but that also allowed me to help my clients on a deeper level. I quickly realized that, until I did the deep inner work for myself, my pattern of overgiving would not change. It was through the community support that I was able to see just how powerful receiving support from like-minded people is.
Now I have a fully aligned business that allows me to show up in all of my brilliance and receive time and money for the simple act of being me.
I went from working with 30+ clients per week in my spa job to being in my own business- working with no more than 1 person per day. My days are spacious- I now have time for my own self-care and personal growth!
Cat Farrar
RMT/BodyMind Coach and Founder of The Healthy & Happy Place
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